Mohammad Mahdi Javanmard Mohammad Mahdi Javanmard
Lead Member Of Technical Staff @Salesforce
Salesforce, New York Office, USA
Linkedin Profile
Google Scholar Profile

Research Interests
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Cache-efficient Parallel Algorithms, and External-memory Algorithms
  • Optimizing Compilers (specifically Polyhedral Compilers)
  • Machine Learning for Systems
  • Big Data, and Cloud Computing
  • Software Engineering
Educational Background
Research and Development (R&D) Experience
  • Salesforce Inc.
    • [June 2024 - Present] Lead Member Of Technical Staff
  • Intuit Inc.
    • [Mar 2023 - June 2024] Senior Software Engineer
  • Meta Platforms, Inc. (Facebook)
    • [Mar 2020 - Feb 2023] Research Scientist
  • Stony Brook University
    • [Sep 2012 - Mar 2020] Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant
  • Google
    • [Sep 2018 - Dec 2018] Software Engineering Intern
    • Designed and implemented deallocationz profiler for tcmalloc (C++)
      • The project is integrated into tcmalloc and open-sourced (Link)
  • Salesforce Inc.
    • [May 2018 - Aug 2018] Software Engineering Intern
    • Designed and implemented HBase replication health test framework (Java and Apache Phoenix)
Selected Publications
Complete List: Google Scholar
Teaching Experience
  • Shahid Beheshti University: [TA] Discrete Structures (Fall’09), [TA] Information Retrieval and Storage (Fall’09/Fall’10), [TA] Automata Theory, Languages and Computation (Fall’09), [TA] Principles of Database Design (Fall’10/Spring’11), [TA] Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring’11/Fall’11/Spring’12), [TA] Compiler Design (Spring’12), [TA] Computer Networks (Spring’12), and [Lab Instructor] Database Lab (Fall’11/Spring’12)
  • Sharif University of Technology: [TA] Principles of Database Design (Fall’11/Spring’12)
  • Stony Brook University: [Lecturer] ESG 111 - C Programming for Engineers (Spring’16), [TA] ISE 305 - Database Design and Practice (Fall’12), [TA] CSE 305 - Principles of Database Systems (Spring’13), [TA][Grad Course] CSE 537 - Artificial Intelligence (Fall’13), [TA] CSE 102 - Introduction to Web Design and Programming (Winter’15/Winter’16/Summer’14), [TA] CSE 114 - Computer Science I (Summer’16), [TA] CSE 214 - Computer Science II (Summer’14/Summer’15/Summer’16), [TA] CSE 307 - Principles of Programming Languages (Summer’16), [Guest Lecturer] [Grad Course] CSE 590 - Supercomputing (Spring’16/Spring’22), [Guest Lecturer] [Grad Course] CSE 613 - Parallel Programming (Spring’19)
Technical Skills
  • Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, C#, Prolog, SML, and Assembly
  • Parallel Paradigms and Environments: CUDA, MPI, OpenMP, Apache Spark, Intel Cilk+, Intel CnC, Legion, OpenCL, and Charm++
  • Toolchains and Automation Platforms: GNU toolchain (gcc/gdb/make), cMake, and Jenkins
  • Big Data and Database Management Systems: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift, eXist-db, and XSB, Cassandra, Mongodb, and HBase
  • Web Development: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Java Servlets, and JSP
Awards and Honors

Last Modified: March 2024