Graphical Excellence

"Excellence in statistical graphics consists of complex ideas communicated with clarity, precision, and efficacy."

According to Edward Tufte, graphical displays should

Graphical excellence

Graphic excellence is "the efficient communication of complex quantitative data".

Data Maps

Since the 17th century, maps and statistics have been combined to understand what is happening in relation to where.

NYC subway map

2020 Census Demographic Data Viewer

World Bank maps

Social Explorer maps

US Geological Survey's National Map

Northern Brazil land use data over time

Time Series Plots

These show how measured paramaters change over time. The "shape" of the data provides additional information.

Temperature, precipitation, and snowfall in Marquette, MI

Chart Expo's best charts to show changes over time

CDC's change in smoking behavior over time

US import price indexes, 12-month percent change

Space-Time Narratives

Changes over time can also be shown spatially. For example, see this paper on Visual Storytelling in Cognitive and Geotemportal information Spaces.

Relational Graphics

Relational graphics are more abstract, comparing changes in 2 or more variables at a time.

Website graphs show the structure of web pages graphically

Cancer mortality rates from ABC News

Parallel coordinate plots show many data points across multiple variables

Create a Graph from the National Center for Educational Statistics


Graphical integrity

Graphics can be misleading ... either intentionally or unintentionally. Problems arise when:

Problems can arise because:

See "How to Create Bad Charts"