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Three Categories of Color

1: Hue
2: Brightness
3: Saturation

1. HUE - Hue refers to the pure state of color. It is the natural color without mixing or modifying. The unmixed or unmodified property of color is Hue. In other words, Hue is the name by which we identify a color. Also Hue is the property by which we distinguish it from other colors.

2. BRIGHTNESS (value) - Value is the relative darkness or lightness of a color. This can be illustrated by the evidence of black and white photography of colored objects. The different colors will have different tonal values.
A scale which shows the sequence in tonal values of colors ( from White to Gray to Black) is called the GRAY SCALE. The tonal value of each color can be further affected by adding either black or white. The gradual adding of black color produces 'shades'. The gradual adding of white color produces 'Tints'. Maximum addition of white gives high tonal value. The middle colors between high and low is known as middle tones or half tone.

3. SATURATION (intensity) - Chrome or saturation which indicates the purity of color is known as the intensity. Colors which are mixed and have ultimate degree of vividness are said to exhibit 'high intensity'. Two colors may have same hue value but yet differ in color strength.

EXAMPLE: Two shades of red. The difference is in the dimension of chrome by which the degree of color strength or intensity is measured. The stronger the hue, the greater the saturation or intensity. White and black have no shades, no saturation, no intensity. Precisely, HUE is the name of a color. VALUE is the lightness or darkness of a color. INTENSITY is the strength or purity of a color.



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