Stony Brook
CSE 523/524
Master's Projects
Annie Liu
List of Projects
Office: CS 1433
Voice: 632-8463
Programming and repository for personal digital manufacturing, a.k.a. 3D-printing
- needed skills: languages, algorithms, and graphics
Executable specification of high-assurance virtual private network
- needed skills: discrete math, languages, compilers, and algorithms
OpenFlow query processing and optimization
- needed skills: languages, compilers, algorithms, and networks
Natural language interface for logic rule engines
- needed skills: languages, compilers, logic, and algorithms
User interface generation for collaborative applications
- needed skills: languages, compilers, algorithms, and web engines
Rapid construction of social network applications
- needed skills: languages, modeling, database, web engines
Experiments with web-based teaching and learning tools
- needed skills: use of web systems and user interface design
Programming and verifying distributed algorithms
- needed skills: algorithms, programming skills, Python, and logic
Automatic query performance evaluation
- needed skills: compilers, database, logic engines, and Python
Efficient security policy enforcement in programming languages
- needed skills: discrete math, languages, compilers, security
Projects Taken
Security frameworks for XML query languages
- needed skills: discrete math, languages, compilers, security
Automated object-oriented modeling of rule-based trust management policies
- needed skills: discrete math, object-oriented design, and Python
Programming distributed algorithms
(5 projects)
- needed skills: algorithms, programming skills, and Python
Data analysis via graph queries
- needed skills: discrete math, languages, and databases.
Constraints and types in a national electronic health record system
- needed skills: languages, logic, and Python
Software vulnerability analysis
- needed skills: languages, compilers, and databases
Design of games for teaching computer science
- needed skills: languages, data structures, algorithms
Automated analysis of a rule-based trust management policy
- needed skills: discrete math, languages, compilers, and Python
Translations of rule-based trust management policies
- needed skills: languages, algorithms, and Python
Optimization of game programs
- needed skills: languages, algorithms, and Python
Object-oriented modeling of a national electronic health records policy
- needed skills: discrete math, object-oriented design, and Python
Implementing a graph query language
- needed skills: discrete math, languages, compilers, and Python
Nuclear power plant digital feedwater control system modeling and simulation
- needed skills: C++, C, and assembly
Data translation between relational and object-oriented databases
- needed skills: languages and Python
Simulator for a nuclear power plant digital feedwater control system
- needed skills: C++, Java, and UML
Object-oriented specification of a national electronic health records policy
- needed skills: discrete math, object-oriented design, and Python
A study of security frameworks and access control policies
- needed skills: security, languages, and Internet programming
A system for planning clinical trials in drug development programs
- needed skills: Python and Excel
Interface generation for core role-based access control
- needed skills: Python and Java
Overview for modeling a nuclear power plant digital feedwater control system
- needed skills: UML and C++
Enhancements of an interactive web query tool
- needed skills: Java, HTML, security, and Internet programming
Schema-based data acquisition for web Applications
- need to know compilers, algorithms, XML, and internet programming well
A constraint-based random relation generator
- need to know languages, algorithms, python, and XML well
Enhanced interface and implementation for a web link traverser
- need to know languages, algorithms, GUI, Java, HTML, and Internet programming well
Security issues in an interactive web query tool
- need to know Java, HTML, security, and Internet programming well
Building graph models of C programs
- need to know languages and compilers well
Efficient algorithms and complexity analysis for implementing relational queries
- need to know discrete math, algorithms, and SQL well
Enhanced methods and techniques for interactive web queries
- need to know Java, HTML, and Internet programming well
Building and navigating web graphs
- need to know languages, HTML, and algorithms well
Debugging performance and transforming XML documents for a molecular viewer
- need to know Java, XML, and parsing well
An assistant for interactive web queries
- need to know Java, HTML, and Internet programming well
An XML database for intrusion detection
- need to know Java, XML, and database well
Survey of XML tools
- need to know XML and databases well
Portable collaborative bibliography repository
- need to know Java, databases, parsing, GUI, and Internet programming well
Analysis of performance and precision for optimizing aggregate array computations in loops
- need to know languages, compilers, and algorithms well
Motion controller scripting language
- need to know C, lex and yacc (or flex and bison) well
Performance of a molecular viewer parsing XML documents
- need to know Java, XML, and parsing well
Visual class machine language and code generation
- need to know languages, compilers, Java, and GUI well