CSE 391
Spring 2004
Stony Brook
Web Queries: Methods and Tools
Annie Liu
Project Report
Handout P
Apr. 24, 2004
Due May 5

Project Report, Presentation, and Demo

Detailed requirements for these and relationships with all the assignments are as explained in class. Below is a summary of the items needed.

Project report

Your final project report should contain the following five parts:

  1. description
  2. design
  3. implementation
  4. experiment/test and usage/demo
  5. presentation slides
In particular, you should use the usage/demo to make your item 1 completely clear.


Before the last class, send your complete system (including all code, data, and a README file) to cse391ATcsDOTsunysbDOTedu (not to the instructor or TA). Please zip the files before you send. Your README file should contain a description of what your system does, what each file contains, and how to run and test your system.

Also, in the last class, hand in a printout of the project report. You do not need to print out code and data. I prefer your printout to be double-sided and two-up (2 pages on 1 side) if possible (to save some trees...).

Project presentation

Your project presentation should contain items 1-4 above. It will be in class during the last two weeks of class. See schedule posted with the Lectures.


Demos will be between 9am-7pm on May 10. Demo sign up will be in the last class.


Each of the items 1-5 in project report is worth 6% of the total course grade, all together 30%. Items 3-4 will be graded together with your demo. Item 5 will be graded together with your presentation and your comments about other presentations. If you did anything for extra credit, please mark it clearly.