CSE/ISE 308 Fall 2010 Stony Brook |
Software Engineering
Annie Liu Demo 2 |
Handout D2 May 3, 2010 Due May 7 |
Each group prepares for a 30-minute demo for their group project and gives the demo to the TA in CS 1206 on Tuesday May 4, Thursday May 6, or Friday May 7.
The demo should start with a brief introduction to your project, followed by a demo of each functionality and a review of your code, and end with a brief summary of what functionalities in the requirement were not implemented and/or what functionalities not in the requirement were implemented.
For each functionality, you can basically follow one or two of your best test cases for it.
For code review, show your overall code structure, and your code size. This can basically follow your implementation report.
The introduction and summary of remaining work should take 2-3 minutes. Demo of functionalities and code review should take 10-15 minutes. The TA may ask questions during the demo.
The presentation and demo are worth 60% and 40%, respectively, of the grade. For the demo part, 15% each will be for demo of functionalities and for code review, respectively, and 10% will be for the rest. Insufficient implementations will lost grade proportionally. Exceptionally well developed and well presented demos will receive appropriate extra credit.