CSE/ISE 308 Fall 2010 Stony Brook |
Software Engineering
Annie Liu Assignment 11 |
Handout A11 Apr. 26, 2010 Due May 3 |
Each person, not group, is to write an evaluation of the software, the process, and the course. Please try to write clearly and succinctly. It is due before class on Monday May 3.
Part 1. Evaluating the software
Describe your evaluation about the software system that you group developed. It should include the following items.
1. The title of your group project.
2. Your experience trying to test and use your system.
3. Whether it satisfied the original requirements, and whether it exceeded the original requirements, in what way specifically.
4. What you think is good about the system.
5. What you think is bad about the system.
Part 2. Evaluating the process
First, write down your role in your group project.
Everyone has experienced some good and/or bad aspects of team work in this course. Write a summary of what you did for the group project and what you know others did for the project. The level of detail is up to you, but make sure that it is typed (so that it is readable), is not longer than one page, and is informative. For example, you could write "I did the entire project", or "I made class diagrams with A, and B revised them; I wrote code for the class Account with B, and C suggested some changes; D and E said they reviewed the code but suggested no changes; I did testing with D while E watched; C and D prepared presentation slides; A and B reviewed the slides and suggested changes; ...".
This must be completely honest and must make any collaboration explicit. In particular, if you write "I did the entire project", it means that "no one else did it with me". If you write "I did so and so with A", it means "you and A both did, and no one else did". If you only watched others in your group doing it, then say so also.
If your group had problems and resolved them yourself (or could not resolve them), and you feel that it was a good learning experience, you may summarize it here also. Please feel free to summarize anything else not mentioned but you think is important and interesting to get from this course.
Part 3. Evaluating the course
If you have any comments for the course or suggestions for improving the course, please describe them in this part. Thank you!
Finally, if you can, please answer a few questions: (1) When are you graduating? (2) If you are graduating in May, do you have a job lined up already, and what is it? (3) If you are graduating in May, are you starting graduate school, and where will you go? (4) If you are not graduating in May, do you plan to look for a job or go to graduate school?
Requirements on giving credit
For anything in your submission that is not a creation of yourself, explicitly include a section or sections containing references and acknowledgments giving credits to the sources.
Before the due time on the due date, each person should submit the assignment through blackboard.
Please also submit a hardcopy before the due time; you can leave it under my door if I am not in.
This assignment is completely for extra credit.