CSE/ISE 308 Fall 2010 Stony Brook |
Software Engineering
Annie Liu Assignment 8 |
Handout A8 Mar. 22, 2010 Due Apr. 5 |
Each group is to do a second round of implementation and testing, improving over the previous round, if needed, completing the majority of the functionalities, and adding a calculation of unadjusted use case points. This has three parts. It is due before class on Monday Apr. 5.
Part 1. Implementation 2
The work for this part is exactly as described in Part 1 of Assignment 5.
If you made changes to this part of your Assignment 5, please write a description of the changes explicitly.
Part 2. Testing 2
The work for this part is exactly as described in Part 2 of Assignment 5.
If you made changes to this part of your Assignment 5, please write a description of the changes explicitly.
Part 3. Calculation
Calculate the unadjusted use case points for your project.
Requirements on giving credit
For anything in your submission that is not a creation of your group, explicitly include a section or sections containing references and acknowledgments giving credits to the sources.
For any part of your submission that is a creation of your group, indicate who in the group did it; for shared work on a part, indicate who did what percentage. Describe this explicitly in a separate section at the end of your document.
Extra credit suggestions
As in the extra credit part of Assignment 1, plus
for Part 1:
try round-trip engineering, describe how you did it and what results
you obtained,
for Part 1: identify queries whose results should be
maintained incrementally for efficiency,
for Part 3: calculate
complete use case points and project duration,
and anything else
extra you'd like to do and with my blessing :-).
Before due time on the due date, each group should submit their report through blackboard, and include a link to the report on the project web page. Each group should also use the Translab svn server or another server that the TA and I have been given permission and I have given you approval; make sure that you check in all your code as well as your documents and report.
Please also submit a hardcopy of the part on calculation and a description of the changes you made to Assignment 5, to me or the TA before the due time; you can leave it under my door if I am not in.
Parts 1 and 2 are worth 80% of the grade, as distributed in Assignment 5, plus 5% for describing the changes from your Assignment 5. Part 3 is worth 15% of the grade (5% on unadjusted actor weight, 5% on unadjusted use case weight, and 5% on clear descriptions and justifications). Each extra-credit task may earn 5%, or more or less based on estimated effort. Writing and presentation problems may loose 10%. Not using the svn server may lose 10%. Submissions missing the part on giving credit will lose 30%. Exceptionally well thought-out and well written homeworks will receive appropriate extra credit.