Project Description and Plan
This assignment has two parts. Obtaining an approval for your
project must be before class on Friday Feb. 5; the rest is due before
class on Monday Feb. 8.
Part 1. Group Project Description
Look at the list of groups, and find the
group you are in. You had till last Wednesday to tell me your
preferences, but I've satisfied or resolved all requests I received by
Sunday. If you have a real problem, please let me know and we will
try to solve as much as we can; otherwise, we can not make
exceptions---a single move would affect at least 10 other people, and
likely create more problems than it would solve.
Please get together to work as a group immediately. Only by acting
early can you find problems early and have a better chance at solving
them. There are three items for this part of the assignment:
1. Each group gives a name to itself.
2. Each group proposes a project that it will do for the
3. Each group, after obtaining an approval for its project,
writes a project description and makes a web page for the project.
Part 2. Group Project Plan
Each group is asked to write a plan for the group project, and
include a link to the project plan on the project web page. Here are
the items that should be in the plan.
1. What are all the tasks that need to be performed?
2. How are all the tasks related?
3. What are all the roles of each person in the group?
4. Make a complete schedule of all the tasks.
The above is a set of basic requirements that emphasize incremental
and iterative development. Your plan should be as complete as it can
reasonably be at this point. It should include items such as what
language to use for the implementation, what database to use if one is
needed, whether to prototype certain features first, when to make
necessary decisions if not made yet, etc.
Requirements on giving credit
For anything in your submission that is not a creation of
your group, explicitly include a section or sections containing
references and acknowledgments giving credits to the sources.
For any part of your submission that is a creation of your group,
indicate who in the group did it; for shared work on a part, indicate
who did what percentage.
Extra credit suggestions
As in the extra credit part of Assignment 1.
Before class on the due date, each group must submit their
description and plan through blackboard, and send me an email in plain
text containing one line of the following form
<a href="full-url-of-group-project-page">Group Project Name</a>
-- Group Name
The two parts are each worth 50% of the grade. Submissions missing
the part on giving credit will lose 30%. Exceptionally well
thought-out and well written homeworks will receive appropriate extra
Thanks to Peter Williams for suggestions for clarifications.