CSE/ISE 308 Fall 2010 Stony Brook |
Software Engineering
Annie Liu Assignment 1 |
Handout A1 Jan. 25, 2010 Due Jan. 29 and Feb. 1 |
This assignment has two parts. Part 1 is due before class on Friday Jan. 29; Part 2 is due before class on Monday Feb. 1.
Part 1. Questionnaire
Fill out the Questionnaire in Handout Q if you have not already done so, and submit it before class on Friday.
Send me an email, ASAP but no later than Wednesday Jan 27, to help form teams as well as confirm your email address. In the email, list your name, email address, and tasks that you are both good at and prefer to do for the course project, in the format specified in class. Also, if you prefer to work with, or not to work with, specific other students in a team, list their names, your preferences and reasons.
Part 2. Customer Wanting Software
Describe a software that you would like as a customer, and create a homepage that contains the description.
Extra credit suggestions
Through out the course, you get extra credit for brining up anything particularly interesting and useful about software development (facts, tools, lessons learned, etc.) to my attention. They can be shared with the entire class.
For Part 1, hand in the filled questionnaire before class on the due date, if you have not handed in already. For Part 2, before class on the due date, submit your description through blackboard, send me an email in plain text containing two lines of the following forms
<a href="full-url-of-your-description">Name of the Software You Want</a> <a href="full-url-of-your-homepage">Your Name</a>and hand in a printout.
The two parts are worth 30% and 70%, respectively, of the grade. Exceptionally well thought-out and well written homeworks will receive appropriate extra credit.