To help show the schema of your database, you can use the following procedures.
To help show the content of your database, what to do? Use simple SQL queries.
  1.  sp_help:  Reports information about a database object (any object listed in sysobjects), and about SQL Server-supplied or user-defined datatypes.
    1. Syntax: sp_help [object_name]
    2. Examples:
      1. sp_help Displays a list of objects in sysobjects and displays each object's name, owner, and object type. Also displays a list of each user-defined datatype in systypes, indicating the datatype's name, storage type, length, null type, default name, and rule name. Null type is 0, if null values are not allowed, or 1, if null values are allowed..
      2. sp_help preference  Displays information about the preferences table. sp_help also lists any attributes assigned to the specified table and its indexes, giving the attribute's class, name, integer value, character value, and  comments.

  2. sp_helpconstraint:  Reports information about any integrity constraints specified for a table. This information includes the constraint name and the definition of the bound default, unique or primary key constraint, referential constraint, or check constraint.
    1. Syntax: sp_helpconstraint object_name
    2. Example: The command sp_helpconstraint states applied to the table states created as below:
         create table states  (
            rank            smallint,
            abbrev          char(2),
            name            varchar(20) null,
            population      int check (population > 1000000),
            constraint stateconstr primary key (rank, abbrev)

         create table state_info (
            rank                smallint,
            abbrev              char(2),
            description         char(255),
            comments            char(255) default "None",
            constraint infoconstr foreign key (rank, abbrev) references states (rank, abbrev)

      displays the constraint information for the states table. The state table also has a foreign key to the state_info table. states and state_info are defined as follows:
      name data
      states_popula_1088006907  CHECK (population > 1000000)
      stateconstr  PRIMARY KEY INDEX (rank, abbrev): CLUSTERED, FOREIGN REFERENCE
      infoconstr  state_info FOREIGN KEY (rank, abbrev) REFERENCES states (rank, abbrev)