ISE 321 - Fall 2024

Introduction to Network Administration

General Course Information

Instructor: Ahmad Esmaili
Office: 210 Computer Science Building
Phone/email: (631) 632-1628/
Office Hours: Tu/Th 11am-12pm or by appointment via Zoom using this link.

Computer Networking : A Top-Down Approach James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross, Pearson/Addison Wesley; 6th edition, 2013.

Course Description: The course introduces students to the fundamentals of network management, primarily for TCP/IP networks. Students are introduced to networking protocols, hardware, architecture, media, and software and experience hands-on management of typical network components. Various network protocols are examined, including Internet routing protocols. Network security is introduced in the overall context of network management.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of fundamental networking concepts, including TCP/IP protocols, network hardware, architecture, and media.
  2. Gain practical, hands-on experience in network management through labs and exercises, effectively applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Prerequisite: ISE 316 or CSE 310; ISE or CSE major

Number of Credits: 3

The Following ISE 321 Policies are Strictly Enforced

Examinations: There will be a midterm and a final examination. Midterm examination must be completed using an indelible ink pen only. Components of an exam completed using any other writing instrument may not be appealed.

Exam Dates: (ensure you are on time to take each exam)

Midterm Exam: Tuesday, October 22nd 9:30-10:50AM
Final Exam: Monday, December 16th 11:15AM-1:15PM

Exam Conflicts: It is your responsibility to plan a program that avoids exam conflicts or too many final exams on the same day.

Online Exams:

Course Grades: Your overall grade in ISE 321 is statistically normalized. The weights are as follows:
Homework Assignments 15%
Labs & Class Attendance 35%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%

Course Grades: A 93-100, A- 90-92, B+ 87-89, B 83-86, B- 80-82, C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C- 70-72, D+ 67-69, D 63-66, F 0-62,

Final Ggrade Calculations: Final grades will be calculated based on the scores posted on the ISE321 Grading Portal. You will get an email notification for each grade that is posted on the portal. It is your responsibility to check your SBU email account and report any grading disputes within one week after a grade is posted. If you do not submit a grade change request within one week, we assume you are satisfied with your grade and the grade is considered final.

Homework assignment and exam grades will NOT be available on Brightspace. Instead, we will post these grades on the ISE321 Grading Portal. The attendance and lab grades will be temporarily posted on Brightspace during the semester and the average will be posted on the ISE321 Grading Portal at the end of the semester for final grade calculation.

The Pass/No Credit (P/NC) option is not available for this course. This policy applies to all CSE/ISE undergraduate courses used to satisfy the graduation requirements for the major.

Tentative Readings:

1- Course Information
2- Introduction to VMWare
3- Introduction to Vyatta
4- Virtual Machines per Cluster Topology
5- Vyatta Initial Configuration
6- Address Resolution Protocol
7- Network Address Translation
8- Multicast and broadcast addresses
9- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
10- Routing & Forwarding
11- Firewalls

Late Assignment Policy:: Each assignment clearly states its due date. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Exam Policies: All students must bring photo ID to each exam. Students will not be admitted more than 10 minutes late to any exam. Make-up exams will be granted at the instructor's discretion, and ONLY for valid medical reasons (a doctor's note is required), for religious reasons, or for documented participation in University-sponsored events. Except for medical excuses, reasonable prior notification (at least 48 hours prior to the exam) to the instructor is REQUIRED in order for a make-up opportunity to be considered.

ISE 321 Information: ISE 321 information will be posted on the ISE 321 web page ( Copies of assignments and course handouts will be available on Brightspace.

Americans with Disabilities Act: If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning dis-ability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, located in Stony Brook Union Suite 107, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following web site: and search Fire Safety and Evacuation and Disabilities.

Academic Integrity Policy: Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website at

Basic Needs: If you are concerned about resources related to your basic needs, including access to nutritious food and stable housing, please contact the Student Support Team. They will be able to listen to your story, connect you with possible resources, and provide stigma-free support.

Students found guilty of academic dishonesty will automatically receive a final grade of 'F' for the course.

Critical Incident Management: Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University

Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.

Policy on Electronic Devices in Class: Students are encouraged to bring laptops and tablet de-vices to class for note-taking purposes only, especially during the programming lectures. All communication and entertainment devices should be silenced or (preferably) turned off for the duration of the class unless otherwise directed by the instructor. No electronic devices of any sort may be consulted or used during exams; this will be considered an instance of academic dishonesty, and will be treated as such.

Use of Email for Official Communication: Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for making sure they are receiving and checking for official University communications at their primary campus email address ( on a regular basis, or making sure they forward their Stony Brook mail to a personal email account (Google Apps users only).

If you need general computer help, you can use the Computer Science Help Desk. Services offered include setting up an account on a department server, using Windows, using a browser, and connecting to the campus network. The Help Desk office is located in the SBCS Office - Room 2110.

Electronic Communication Statement: Email and especially email sent via Brightspace ( is one of the ways the faculty officially communicates with you for this course. It is your responsibility to make sure that you read your email in your official University email account. For most students that is Google Apps for Education (, but you may verify your official Electronic Post Office (EPO) address at If you choose to forward your official University email to another off-campus account, faculty are not responsible for any undeliverable messages to your alternative personal accounts. You can set up Google Mail forwarding using these DoIT-provided instructions found at If you need technical assistance, please contact Client Support at (631) 632-9800 or

Comments: All of the above regulations are binding on any student taking ISE 321 during this semester and they will be strictly enforced. In the event of major personal or medical problems which may significantly impact your performance in this course, see the professor.

Helpful Hints:

Developing good study habits is one of the keys to success in ISE 321, and most other courses. Read over assignments when you first receive them. Don't wait until the night before an assignment is due to begin work. Starting early on assignments is especially important. Assignments are designed to reinforce the course material, and to improve your problem-solving capabilities. Maximum benefit can only be achieved by devoting adequate thinking time, and time to experiment with different approaches to understanding and writing programs. Prepare yourself by planning a reasonable academic schedule, and learning to use your time and other available resources wisely.

Best of luck in ISE 321 this semester, and in your future career-oriented endeavors.

Author: Ahmad Esmaili