CSE 532: Theory of Database Systems
Spring, 2018
Tuesday/Thursday: 1-2:20pm
Engineering 143
Instructor: Himanshu Gupta (hgupta@cs.sunysb.edu). Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-3:30pm,
or by appointment. Office: NCS 335>. Ph: 2-8446.
TianTain Gao (tiagao@cs; Office hours: Monday 2-4pm, NCS 230), and
Md. Shaifur Rahman (mdsrahman@cs; Office hours: Wednesday 2-3pm in NCS 330).
- I'll use the Blackboard system to make any announcements, as it allows me to send an email to all students in the class.
- Lecture slides and assignments will also be shared via Blackboard. This essentially makes this webpage largely useless (i.e., won't be updated much). However, read the below "academic misconduct policy" carefully.
Course Policies
Textbook Exercises: As a general rule, for any textbook exercise, you
are allowed to use only those concepts that have been covered in or before the
textbook section where that exercise appears.
You will do all the homeworks in groups of two (or one, if you wish), unless otherwise stated.
You are expected to not "divide" the set of problems among your group members, but rather
brainstorm with each other to solve each problem. You are NOT allowed to discuss the
homework problems with other classmates. Neither are you allowed to use
any other means (including other textbooks, possible solutions on
the web, anyone's help other than me/TA) to solve the homework problems.
Only exception to the above rule is the textbook's website, which has
solutions to the starred exercises -- you are welcome to read and understand
those. In general, you are indeed welcome to use other resources to
understand/grasp underlying concepts, but accessing solutions
through any other resources is unacceptable. If you have any questions
regarding this, please ask me. Any violations would be reported to the
appropriate department committee; if found guilty, you would get an F
in the course without any exceptions.
Course Textbook
Database Systems: The
Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman, and Jennifer Widom. SECOND edition.
(First two chapters are available online).
The exercise numbers in the INTERNATIONAL 2nd edition of the text book may be different.
The textbook exercises marked '*' have their solution available online (on the
textbook website), and you are welcome to have a look at them.
- Assignments: 50% (One of the assignments, i.e., XML, may be a programming assignment).
- Midterm: 20%
- Finals: 30%