Statistics for Data Science
CSE357 - Fall 2021
Slides are intended as a visual aid for the lecture given in class. They are not a comprehensive set of class notes or a replacement for the readings.
Topic 1:
Class Introduction and Probability
Topic 2:
Random Variables
colab 9-2
Topic 3:
Expectation and Central Tendency
colab 9-16
Topic 4:
Scientific Inference: Hypothesis Testing
colab 9-20...10-5
Topic 5:
Parametric Inference and Linear Modeling
colab 11-4
Topic 6:
Linear Machine Learning
colab 11-9
Topic 7:
Nonparametric Modeling
Topic 8:
Causal Inference
Topic 9:
Models in Practice
Topic 10:
Bayesian Inference and Statistical Reasoning Blunders
colab 11-30
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