Natural Language Processing
CSE354 - Spring 2021
Slides are intended as a visual aid for the lecture given in class. They are not a comprehensive set of class notes or a replacement for the readings.
Topic 1:
Introduction and Preliminaries: Regular Expressions, Tokenization, and Probability
Topic 2:
Lexicon-based and Supervised Classification: Sentiment, Text Categorization
Topic 3:
Lexical and Vector Semantics
PyTorch Ingredients
Topic 4:
Human Centered NLP and Ethics in NLP
Topic 5:
Syntactic Parsing and Tagging
Topic 6:
Language Modeling
Topic 7:
Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling
Applying RNNS to Document and word labeling
Topic 8:
Attention and Transformers
Topic 9:
Automatic Speech Recognition
Previous slides (content may be outdated):
Spring 2020
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