
viewer mesh_file scale_factor


viewer ../meshes/bunny_nf4000.noff 10


  1. change view points : 'v'

    there are two viewpoints, view from the camera, and view from (0,10,0). type 'v' will toggle view points.

  2. select object to manipulate

    refined geometry :'g' camera :'s'

  3. select coordinates system , the manipulation is relative to the selected one camera : 'S' world : 'W' object itself : 'L'
  4. define manipulation rotation : left button translation: right button translation: both left and right button
  5. menu press middle button : "show faces" will show faces; "show edges " will show all the edges.
  6. simplification press '0': toggle viewing the selected minimum cost halfedge press '1': select minimum cost halfedge press '2': merge the selected halfedge press 'q': merge 50 minimum cost halfedges
  7. explaination cost function: this demo just assign random cost to each halfedge merge process: the end vertex of the selected halfedge goes to the start vertex position, so the simplified mesh may have self intersection. compiler : the complier can be changed to gcc instead of CC in the makefiles