We apply Monte Carlo model checking to the Needham-Schroeder public key
authentication protocol. The Monte Carlo approach uses random sampling of
``lassos'' (reachable cycles) to compute an estimate of the weighted
expectation that a system satisfies an LTL formula
within a
factor of
with probability at least
. It does so
using a number of samples
that is optimal to within a constant factor, and
in expected time
and expected space
, where
is the
recurrence diameter of the directed graph representing the product of
state transition graph and the Büchi automaton for
Our results indicate that Monte Carlo model checking can find attacks in
security protocols like Needham-Schroeder when traditional model checkers fail
due to state explosion; and that the weighted expectation that Needham-Schroder
is attack-free increases linearly with the nonce range (number of rounds).
In Proc. of the DIMACS Workshop on Security Analysis of Protocols, Rutgers University, June 2004, USA.
*R. Grosu and X. Huang were partially supported by the NSF Faculty Early Career
Development Award CCR01-33583.