Capturing document images is a common way for digitizing and recording physical documents due to the ubiquitousness of
mobile cameras. To make text recognition easier, it is often desirable to digitally flatten a document image when
the physical document sheet is folded or curved. In this paper, we develop the first learning-based method to achieve
this goal. We propose a stacked U-Net with intermediate supervision to directly predict the forward mapping from
a distorted image to its rectified version. Because large-scale real-world data with ground truth deformation is
difficult to obtain, we create a synthetic dataset with approximately 100 thousand images by warping non-distorted
document images. The network is trained on this dataset with various data augmentations to improve its generalization
ability. We further create a comprehensive benchmark that covers various real-world conditions. We evaluate the proposed
model quantitatively and qualitatively on the proposed benchmark, and compare it with previous nonlearning-based
We provide the benchmark dataset. It contains 3 parts: i) original photos, ii) document centered cropped images (used in
our paper), and iii) scans from a flatbed scanner.
Along with the benchmark, we also provide the evaluate code. We use two evaluation
schemes in our experiments: Multi-Scale Structural
Similarity (MS-SSIM) and Local Distortion (LD).
If using the dataset or code, please cite:
DocUNet: Document Image Unwarping via A Stacked U-Net, Ke Ma, Zhixin Shu, Xue Bai, Jue Wang, Dimitris Samaras.
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018 [
BibTex ]
The evaluation code computes both MS-SSIM and local distortion (LD). SSIM uses Matlab Image Processing toolbox.
The weights for multiple scale is inherited from:
[1] Wang, Zhou, Eero P. Simoncelli, and Alan C. Bovik. "Multiscale structural similarity for image quality assessment." In Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2003.
LD utilizes the paper:
[2] Liu, Ce, Jenny Yuen, and Antonio Torralba. "Sift flow: Dense correspondence
across scenes and its applications." In PAMI, 2010.
and its imlementation (included in the evluation code package):
This work started when Ke Ma was an intern at Megvii Inc. This work was supported by a gift from Adobe, Partner University
Fund, and the SUNY2020 Infrastructure Transportation Security Center.
If you have any question, please send email to kemmaATcsDOTstonybrookDOTedu.