CSE 533: Network Programming
Stony Brook University – Fall 2017
This course is focused on low-level networking protocols, including:
- C / Unix TCP & UDP socket programming
- routing & raw sockets
- and shared memory.
Assignments and programming projects will focus the course on network programming in the context of network protocol development and implementation (
ICMP, routing, multicasting,
etc.), and distributed services and ‘system-level’ applications (
e.g., client-server and peer-to-peer applications, distributed file systems, name services,
CSE 533 is a demanding programming course! You will need to dedicate many hours outside of class time studying the material, working on the homework assignments and preparing for exams.
CSE 230 (Intermediate Programming in C & C++), CSE306 (Operating Systems), and CSE310 (Computer Networks) , or equivalents.
Course Meeting Times:
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11:30 - 12:50 pm in Old CS 2120
Instructor Info:
- Prof. Jennifer Wong
- jwong at cs dot stonybrook dot edu
- New Computer Science Building 212
- Office Hours: Weds 10am-12pm, Thurs 1-3pm
Teaching Assistant Info:
Required Textbook
W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner & Andrew M. Ruddof,
Unix Network Programming , Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API ;
3rd. edition, Addison-Wesley 2004.
Other Important Info:
- All Announcements, Lecture Notes, Homework Assignments, etc. will be posted on Piazza.
- Discussion boards and collaborative student answers are REQUIRED.
- Grades will be posted on Blackboard.
Course Calendar: