CSE526 (Spring 2024)
Principles of Programming Languages
General Information
| Schedule
| Resources
| Requirements
General Information
Course description: This course is for students interested
in programming language concepts and design, with emphasis on
abstraction mechanisms. Topics include formal language semantics,
fundamental programming paradigms, as well as powerful analysis and
optimization methods. Students will gain knowledge for deeper
understanding, better usage, and more efficient implementations.
Prerequisites: CSE307, CSE304, or equivalent; or undergraduate
discrete math with good analytical experience (predicate logic, sets,
functions, relations) plus good experience using two or more
programming languages (Python, C, Java, etc).
Credits: 3.
Nengkun Yu
Office: New CS 153
Email: Nengkun.yu@cs.stonybrook.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 10:00-11:30 AM or email for an appointment.
TA: Dibyendu Das
Email: dibyendu.das@stonybrook.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 12:00-1:00 PM (Heavy Engineering 133)
Lectures: Tuesday Thursday 2:30-3:50 PM (Chemistry 126). Note that this will be an in person class.
Attendence + Homework: 40%
Exam + Presentation: 60%
No late submission will receive credit.
Course homepage: https://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~cse526
To be declared later
For assignments, announcements, and other materials keep an eye on Brightspace for this course.
Follow all information in the Google Classroom for this course.
Attend all lectures and take good notes. This is the most efficient
way to learn the course materials, because we will both distill and
elaborate written materials and discuss important related materials. We
will start promptly on time. We will have every student participate in
solving problems and presenting solutions in class.
Do all course work. The readings are to help you preview and
review the materials discussed in the lectures. The assignments and
project are to provide concrete experiences with the basic concepts
and methods covered in the lectures. The exercises
are to help check that you are keeping up with the lectures and the
assignments. The exams will be comprehensive.
If you have any questions, ask. Ask questions in class, in office
hours, and in the Q&A forum. Talk with your classmates, and share
ideas, but not solutions to assignments.
Your submitted work
Submission issues
Grading issues
University Policies
Nengkun Yu