cse371, math371


Spring 2025

Course Information


EQ1   February 13  extra credit
 EQ1  covers Chapter 2

Time:  Tuesday, Thursday  2:00pm  -  3:20pm

Place:  Mellville Library W4550


  LOGIC, Theory of Computation 

The first 4 Lectures are Theory of Computation, the  LOGIC LECTURES follow

The YOUTUBE CHANNEL contains a set of VIDEOS filmed in Stony Brook TV Studio that cover Chapter 1 to Chapter 11
 of the BOOK. Please use them  for class lectures review and  study during the semester


Anita Wasilewska

208  New CS Building
phone:  (631) 632-8458

e-mail: anita@cs.stonybrook.edu

Professor Anita Wasilewska Office Hours

Short questions via email any time
e-mail: anita@cs.stonybrook.edu
Office Hours:   Tuesday, Thursday  4:00pm - 5:00pm
and by appointment
In person: 208  New CS Building

Teaching Assistants  Office Hours

 TAs Office Hours are  posted and updated on BRIGHTSPACE 

TAs Office Location 
In person: 2126  Old CS Building


Course Textbook

Anita Wasilewska
LOGICS FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE:  Classical and Non-Classical
Springer 2019

ISBN 978-3-319-92590-5             ISBN 978-3-319-92591-2 (e-book)

You can get the book in Hard cover, or in Electronic form. Springer has an option of providing you with chapters of your choice

Here is  a copy of the MY BOOK for you to use. Please read the  relevant chapters before and after the LECTURES.
Study  Examples and Problems solutions - you need to  know them  all for your TESTS.


The course outcomes and catalog description are in the official course description page.

Course Goal

The goal of the course is to make student understand the need of, and to learn the formality of logic. The book, and the course is developed to teach not only intuitive understanding of Classical and Non-Classical LOGICS but (and mainly) to teach formal, symbolic  logic as scientific subject, with its language, definitions and main theorems and problems

Course Structure

I will progress relatively slowly, making sure that the pace is appropriate for the students in class. But it doesn't mean that you can just come to class and listen without doing work at home. You have to go over the text in proper chapters; in fact to go over and over again. The book is written with students on my mind so that they can read and learn by themselves, even before coming to class. For sure, it is also essential to study after the class.
There is no recitations, but I will cover some solutions to the course book homeworks assignments and held questions/answers sessions in class.  Students are also responsible to study chapters examples that are not included in Lectures. I may include them in Tests.

 Preliminary STUDY PLAN  

WEEK 1: January 27 - 31
Class Lectures:
Lecture 0 - in class, Lecture 1  -  reading and Video,
 Lecture 2 - in class
Chapter 1 VIDEO
: Introduction: Paradoxes and Puzzles
Chapter 2 VIDEO
: Introduction to Classical Logic

 WEEK 2:  February 3 - 7 
Class Lectures:
Lecture 2, Lecture 2a
Chapter 2 VIDEO: Introduction to Classical Logic

WEEK 3: February 10-14  EQ1 February 13 - extra credit
Class Lectures:
Lecture 2a, Lecture 2b
Chapter 2 VIDEO: Introduction to Classical Logic

WEEK 4: February 17 - 21  
Class Lectures:
Lecture 3, Lecture 3a
Chapter 3 VIDEO
: Propositional Semantics: Classical  and Many Valued

WEEK 5: February 24 - 28    Q1 February 27 - regular
Class Lectures:
Lecture 3a, Lecture 3b
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional Semantics: Classical and Many Valued

WEEK 6:  March 3   - 7
Class Lectures:
Lecture 3b, Lecture 3c
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional Semantics: Classical and Many Valued

WEEK 7: March 10 -14     MIDTERM March 13
Class Lectures:
Lecture 3e, Lecture 3d
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional Semantics: Classical and Many Valued

WEEK 8: March 17 21   SPRING BREAK  March 17 -21
Class Lectures:
Lecture 3d, Lecture 3e
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional Semantics: Classical and Many Valued

WEEK 9: March 24 - 28
Class Lectures:
Lecture 4
Chapter 4 VIDEOGeneral Proof Systems

WEEK 10: April  1 - 5
Class Lectures: 
Lecture 5, Lecture 5a
Chapter 5 VIDEO: Hilbert Proof Systems, Completeness of Classical Propositional Logic

WEEK 11: April 7 - 11
Class Lectures: 
Lecture 6
Chapter 6 VIDEO: Automated Proof Systems

WEEK 12: April  14 - 18
Class Lectures:
Lecture 6, Lecture 6a
Chapter 6 VIDEO: Automated Proof Systems

WEEK 13: April 21 -25
Class Lectures:
Lecture 6, Lecture 6a
Chapter 6 VIDEOAutomated Proof Systems

WEEK 14: April 28 - May 2
Class Lectures:
Lecture 7
Chapter 7 VIDEOIntroduction to Intuitionistic and Modal Logics

WEEK 15:   May  5 - 9
Class Lectures:
Lecture 11
Chapter 11 VIDEO Hilbert Program  and Godel Incompleteness Theorem

FINAL -  during Finals Week May 13 -21 with  date and place t.b.a

Grading General Principles and Workload


ALL TESTS, including the FINAL Examination will be given IN CLASS

The PRELIMINARY schedule is poste
d below. Changes will be posted on the course Webpage and  on BRIGHTSPACE

We do not give  MAKE-UP TESTS  except of documented cases of illness or documented emergencies

Contact TAs if you need more information or need to talk about grading

there will be 2 QUIZZES,(40pts Total) MIDTERM (80pts), and  FINAL (80pts).
 I will also give some  Extra Credit Quizzes for  (20 extra points total).
The consistency of your efforts and work is the most important for this course.

None of the grades will be curved

Final Grade Computation

You can earn up to 200 points + x extra points = 200+x points during the semester.
The grade will be determined in the following way: number of earned points divided by 2 = % grade.
The % grade is translated into a letter grade in a standard way - see SYLLABUS for explanation


EQ1 - February 13 - extra credit EQ1
Q1  - 
February 27 - regular Q1
Thursday, March 13
Spring Break   -
March 17 -21
EQ2 -
April 10
Q2April 17 
- May1
Last class 
- May 10
-  Finals Period  May 13-21


Spring 2025 SYLLABUS




Book Chapter 1: Introduction: Paradoxes and Puzzles

Lecture 1:  Logic Motivation: Paradoxes and Puzzles; Chapter1 Review 

Book Chapter 2: Introduction to Classical Logic

Lecture 2: Propositional Language and Semantics
Lecture 2a: Predicate Language and Semantics
Lecture 2b: Chapter 2 Review

Book Chapter 3: Propositional Semantics: Classical and Many Valued

Lecture 3: Formal Propositional Languages
Lecture 3a: Classical Propositional Semantics 
Lecture 3b : Many Valued Semantic: Lukasiewicz, Heyting, Kleene, Bohvar 
Lecture 3c : Extensional Semantic
Lecture 3d: Tautologies, Equivalence of Languages

Lecture 3e: Chapter 3 Review for MIDTERM

Book Chapter 4: General Proof Systems: Syntax and Semantics

Lecture 4: General Proof Systems
Lecture 4a: Review Definitions and Problems

Lecture 4 SHORT : General Proof Systems

Book Chapter 5: Hilbert Proof Systems: Completeness of Classical Propositional Logic

Lecture 5: Hilbert Proof Systems for Classical Logic, Deduction Theorem

Lecture 5 SHORT: Hilbert Proof Systems, Deduction Theorem

Lecture 5a: Completeness Theorem Proof 1
Lecture 5b: Completeness Theorem Proof 2

Book Chapter 6: Automated Proof Systems for Classical Propositional Logic 

Lecture 6: RS Systems
Lecture 6a: Gentzen Sequents Systems GL, G
Lecture 6b: Gentzen Sequents Systems LK, LI
Lecture 6c:Review for Q2

Book Chapter 7: Introduction to Intuitioniostic and Modal Logics

Lecture 7; Introduction to Intuitionistic Logic
Lecture 7a: Gentzen Systems for Intuitionistic Logic
Lecture 7b: Introduction to Modal Logics S4 and S5

Book Chapter 8: Classical Predicate Languages, Semantics, and Proof Systems

Lecture 8: Formal Predicate Languages
Lecture 8a:Classical Semantic
Lecture 8b: Predicate Tautologies

Book Chapter 9: Completeness and Deduction Theorem for Classical Predicate Logic

Lecture 9:Reduction Predicate Logic to Propositional
Lecture 9a: Henkin Method
Lecture 9b: Proof of Completeness Theorem
Lecture 9c:Deduction Theorem, Other Axiomatization

Book Chapter 10: Predicate Automated Proof Systems

Lecture 10: Predicate Languages, QRS-Automated Proof System for Classical Predicate Logic
Lecture 10a: Proof of Completeness Theorem for QRS

Book Chapter 11: Classical Formal Theories: Consistency and Completeness

Lecture 11: Hilbert Program, Godel Incompleteness Theorems



Some Previous Quizzes and Tests Solutions


 Some Old Quizzes

Q1 Solutions
Q2 Solutions
Q3 Solutions
Q4 Solutions
Q5 Solutions
Q6 Solutions
Q7 Solutions


Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Any suspected instance of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at Academic Judiciary Website

Stony Brook University Syllabus Statement

If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services at (631) 632-6748 or http://http://studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/dss They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website: http://www.sunysb.edu/ehs/fire/disabilities.shtml

Critical Incident Management

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook.