EQ1 February
13 extra credit
EQ1 covers Chapter 2
HAVE our own LOGIC
208 New CS Building
phone: (631) 632-8458
e-mail: anita@cs.stonybrook.edu
Professor Anita Wasilewska Office Hours
Short questions via email any timeTAs Office Hours are posted and updated on BRIGHTSPACE
You can get the book in Hard cover, or in
Electronic form. Springer has an option of providing
you with chapters of your choice
Here is a copy of the MY BOOK for you to
use. Please read the relevant chapters before
and after the LECTURES.
Study Examples and Problems solutions - you
need to know them all for your TESTS.
The course outcomes and catalog description are in the official course description page.
Preliminary STUDY
1: January 27 - 31
Class Lectures: Lecture 0 - in
class, Lecture 1 -
reading and Video,
Lecture 2 - in class
Chapter 1 VIDEO: Introduction: Paradoxes and
Chapter 2 VIDEO: Introduction to Classical
WEEK 2: February 3 - 7
Class Lectures: Lecture 2, Lecture 2a
Chapter 2 VIDEO: Introduction
to Classical Logic
WEEK 3: February 10-14 EQ1
February 13 - extra
Class Lectures: Lecture 2a, Lecture 2b
Chapter 2 VIDEO: Introduction
to Classical Logic
WEEK 4: February 17 - 21
Class Lectures: Lecture 3, Lecture 3a
Chapter 3 VIDEO :
Propositional Semantics:
Classical and Many Valued
WEEK 5: February 24 - 28
Q1 February 27 - regular
Class Lectures: Lecture 3a, Lecture 3b
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional Semantics: Classical and
Many Valued
WEEK 6: March 3 -
Class Lectures: Lecture
3b, Lecture 3c
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional
Semantics: Classical and Many Valued
WEEK 7: March 10 -14 MIDTERM March 13
Class Lectures: Lecture 3e, Lecture 3d
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional
Semantics: Classical and Many Valued
WEEK 8: March 17 21
SPRING BREAK March 17 -21
Class Lectures: Lecture 3d, Lecture 3e
Chapter 3 VIDEO: Propositional
Semantics: Classical and Many Valued
WEEK 9: March 24 - 28
Class Lectures: Lecture 4
Chapter 4 VIDEO:
General Proof Systems
WEEK 10: April 1 - 5
Class Lectures: Lecture 5, Lecture 5a
Chapter 5 VIDEO: Hilbert
Proof Systems, Completeness of Classical Propositional Logic
WEEK 11: April 7 - 11
Class Lectures: Lecture 6
Chapter 6 VIDEO: Automated
Proof Systems
WEEK 12: April 14 - 18
Class Lectures: Lecture 6, Lecture 6a
Chapter 6 VIDEO:
Automated Proof Systems
WEEK 13: April 21 -25
Class Lectures: Lecture 6, Lecture 6a
Chapter 6 VIDEO:
Automated Proof Systems
WEEK 14: April 28 - May 2
Class Lectures: Lecture 7
Chapter 7 VIDEO:
Introduction to Intuitionistic and Modal Logics
WEEK 15: May 5 - 9
Class Lectures: Lecture 11
Chapter 11 VIDEO:
Hilbert Program and Godel Incompleteness
Book Chapter 1: Introduction: Paradoxes and Puzzles
Lecture 1: Logic Motivation: Paradoxes
and Puzzles; Chapter1 Review
Book Chapter 2: Introduction to Classical Logic
Lecture 2: Propositional Language and
Lecture 2a: Predicate Language and
Lecture 2b: Chapter 2 Review
Book Chapter 3: Propositional Semantics: Classical and Many
Lecture 3: Formal Propositional Languages
Lecture 3a: Classical Propositional
Lecture 3b : Many Valued Semantic:
Lukasiewicz, Heyting, Kleene, Bohvar
Lecture 3c : Extensional Semantics
Lecture 3d:
Tautologies, Equivalence of Languages
Lecture 3e:
Chapter 3 Review for MIDTERM
Book Chapter 4: General Proof Systems: Syntax and Semantics
Lecture 4: General Proof Systems
Lecture 4a: Review Definitions and Problems
Lecture 4
SHORT : General Proof Systems
Book Chapter 5: Hilbert Proof Systems: Completeness of
Classical Propositional Logic
Lecture 5: Hilbert Proof Systems for
Classical Logic, Deduction Theorem
Lecture 5
SHORT: Hilbert Proof Systems, Deduction Theorem
Lecture 5a: Completeness Theorem Proof 1
Lecture 5b: Completeness Theorem Proof 2
Book Chapter 6: Automated Proof Systems for Classical Propositional Logic
Lecture 6: RS Systems Book Chapter 7:
Introduction to Intuitioniostic and Modal Logics
Lecture 7; Introduction to
Intuitionistic Logic
Lecture 7a: Gentzen Systems for
Intuitionistic Logic
Lecture 7b: Introduction to Modal Logics S4
and S5
Book Chapter 8: Classical Predicate Languages, Semantics, and
Proof Systems
Lecture 8: Formal Predicate Languages
Lecture 8a:Classical Semantic
Lecture 8b: Predicate Tautologies
Book Chapter 9: Completeness and Deduction Theorem for
Classical Predicate Logic
Lecture 9:Reduction Predicate Logic to
Lecture 9a: Henkin Method
Lecture 9b: Proof of Completeness Theorem
Lecture 9c:Deduction Theorem, Other
Book Chapter 10: Predicate Automated Proof Systems
Lecture 10: Predicate Languages,
QRS-Automated Proof System for Classical Predicate Logic
Lecture 10a: Proof of Completeness Theorem
for QRS
Book Chapter 11: Classical Formal Theories: Consistency and
Lecture 11: Hilbert Program, Godel
Incompleteness Theorems