CSE/ISE364 Advanced Multimedia
Prof. Dimitris Samaras
Spring 2015: Tue-Thu 4-5:20 in 2205 Computer Science
This course will cover a broad range of topics
related to current research in multimedia, especially with a focus on retrieval
and access via the web. We will also include a module on multimodal interaction
using the XBox Kinect. For
each type of digital media studied we will discuss fundamentals as well as
algorithms for organizing, retrieving, and manipulating media. Topics will
Text, Sound, Images, and Video
Tagging & Annotation
Social Media
Location Information
Interaction with the XBox Kinect
Recommendation systems
Multimedia Communications
This course will focus on developing a hands-on
understanding of various types of multi-media. There will be 3 programming
and/or written assignments related to the course topics. There will also be
short in class quizzes approximately every other week. Students will also be
responsible for defining and developing a project related to multi-media over
the course of the semester, including a project proposal, status update, and
final project presentation. A project write-up and presentation will serve as
your final exam. HWs and Projects may be completed in pairs.
Students will be allowed 3 free
homework late days of their choice over the semester. After those are
used late homeworks will be accepted with a 10%
reduction in value per day late. To accomodate for
missed quizzes, students will be allowed to drop their lowest quiz grade.
will consist of 35% assignments, 35% project, 20% quizzes, 10%
participation. Weights
are approximate and subject to change. You are expected to do homeworks by yourselves. Even if you discuss them with your
classmates, you should turn in your own code and write-up. Final projects can be done by one or two people. Two people
projects will be scaled accordingly.
do not need to have taken CSE/ISE 334. However, students are expected to be
proficient in programming and the basics of digital media. Come talk to me if
you have any questions!
Recommended Books
Computing by Gerald Friedland and Ramesh Jain
Multimedia by Nigel Chapman and Jenny Chapman
Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Rick Szeliski
(free online draft)
Other useful reference books:
Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Russel and Norvig.
Vision: A Modern Approach, Forsyth and Ponce.
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, Christopher D. Manning, and Hinrich Schutze.
Class notes
and a collection of additional readings from journals and conference
proceedings will be available through Blackboard.
Don't cheat.
Cheating on anything will be dealt with as academic misconduct and handled accordingly.
I won't spend a lot of time trying to decide if you actually cheated. If I
think cheating might have occurred, then evidence will be forwarded to the
University's Academic Misconduct Committee and they will decide. If cheating
has occurred, an F grade will be awarded. Discussion of assignments is
acceptable, but you must do your own work. Near duplicate assignments will be
considered cheating unless the assignment was restrictive enough to justify
such similarities in independent work. Just think of it that way: Cheating
impedes learning and having fun. The labs are meant to give you an opportunity
to really understand the class material. If you don't do the lab yourself, you
are likely to fail the exams. Please also note that opportunity makes thieves:
It is your responsibility to protect your work and to ensure that it is not
turned in by anyone else. No excuses! The University has a relevant policy:
ŅEach student
must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable
for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is
always wrong. Any suspected instance academic dishonesty will be reported to
the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic
integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the
academic judiciary website: http://www.stonybrook.edu/uaa/academicjudiciary/
If you have a
physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your
ability to carry out assigned course work, I would urge that you contact the
staff in the Disabled Student Services office (DSS), Room 133 Humanities,
632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what
accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation
of disability is confidential.
D. Samaras, Tel. 631-632-8464
email: samaras@cs.stonybrook.edu
Office Hours: Tue., 2 pm to 3.30pm Fri 1pm to 3:30pm, or by
Computer Science room 2429