SBU's top competitive programming team joins teams from Yale, NYU, Rutgers, and Princeton to represent the Greater New York Region in the ICPC North American Championship (NAC) to be held in Orlando, Florida on May 29, 2023. Congratulations to team members Heorhii Ivanchyk, Greg Zborovsky, and Kenny Zhang!

The five teams were selected from a pool of 76 that participated in the Greater New York Regional Contest last month. A total of 50 schools (listed here) from the entire North America have been selected to compete in Orlando, and the top 15-20 teams among them will advance to the ICPC World Finals to be held in Cairo, Egypt later this year.

The Greater New York Region is one of the most competitive regions in North America. The fierce competition this year has left both the last year's regional champions Columbia and the 2019 champions Cornell without a spot in NAC!

Another highlight for SBU this year is our sophomore-only team's performance! They solved the same number of problems (8 out of 10) as our top team, falling behind only because of the time penalty. Congratulations to team members Tahsin Ahmed, Sara Medved, and Jacky Xie!

Congratulations to our remaining two teams as well for their good performance: <Calvin Aw, Saajid Chowdhury, Sai Phani Pallapothu>, and <Kevin Cai, Simon Lee, Ruijie Xiao>!

Executive members of the SBU Competitive Programming Club (CompProg), particularly, Club President Tanzir Pial, aided by Yimin Zhu and Shawn Mathew, selflessly dedicated their valuable time to make sure that our contestants received useful training and practice for the contests. Other executive members (Astra Kolomatskia, Jiarui Zhang, Zafar Ahmad, and Michael Wolf-Sonkin) also contributed in various ways. Endless thanks to them!

We would like to thank the Computer Science Department (and the Department Chair Prof. Samir Das) for sponsoring our teams! Thanks to Andrew Solar-Grecko, Emily Brosnan, and Kathy Germana of the CS Department for taking care of logistics related to food, transportation, and accommodation! Thanks also goes to Christine Cesaria (CS), Michael Delgrosso (CS), Chelsey Dollinger (IACS), and Ann Gardner (IACS) for help at various stages of this process!

Rezaul A. Chowdhury
(Faculty Advisor, SBU Competitive Programming Club)
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
& Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Stony Brook University