Related Publications
Need for Mobile Speed: A Longitudinal Study of Mobile Web Performance.
Javad Nejati, Meng Luo, Nick Nickiforakis, and Aruna Balasubramanian
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WProfX: A fine-grained visualization tool for Web Page Loads.
Javad Nejati, Aruna Balasubramanian
EICS 2020 [paper]
Deconstructing the Energy Consumption of the Mobile Page Load
Yi Cao, Javad Nejati, Muhammad Wajahat, Aruna Balasubramanian, Anshul Gandhi
Sigmetrics 2017. [paper].
PLTSpeed: Suggesting Personalized Web Optimizations for Developers
Javad Nejati and Aruna Balasubramanian.
Poster, HotMobile 2016.[Poster]
Analyzing the Power Consumption of the Mobile Page Load.
Yi Cao, Javad Nejati, Pavan, Maguluri, Aruna Balasubramanian, Anshul Gandhi
Poster, Sigmetrics 2016.[Poster]
An In-Depth Study of Mobile Browser Performance.
Javad Nejati and Aruna Balasubramanian.
WWW, April 2016.[Paper] [Tool]
How Speedy is SPDY?.
Xiao Sophia Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall.
Usenix NSDI, April 2014. [pdf][video][Website]
Demystifying Page Load Performance with WProf.
Xiao Sophia Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall.
Usenix NSDI, April 2013. [pdf] [video][Website]