WE are running a Workshop on Embedded and Mobile Deep Learning (EMDL) colocated w ith MobiSys 19. Submit your early results to get feedback.
Our paper on building a reading detector using gaze data is accepted at Symposium on Edge Tracking and Applications (ET RA). My first paper at ETRA after working on gaze for the last three years.
Thrilled to receive the VMWare Early Career Faculty Grant
Selected as one of the N2Women Rising Stars in Computer Networking an d Communications
Jian's paper on Ultra Low Power Screen interactions conditionally accepted a t UIST 2018. Congratulations to everyone.
Four students are off on internships summer 2018: Santiago->Akamai, Conor->I BM Research, Qingqing->Microsoft Reserch, and Yi->Brave
Chaired the HotMobile 2018 Progra m Committee. Was a great workshop.
We released a video of UIWear here. Jian Xu will be presented UIWear at MobiCom on October 19th.
Received funding from Google Chrome for designing new Web QoE metrics using gaze, with Samir Das.
Received two NSF awards with my Co-PIs, one on using gaze tracking f or Web performance and the other on extending smartphone UIs to wea rables
UIWear accepted at MobiCom 2017. Congratulations to Jian and Qingqing!
The camera-ready NSDI paper on Webgaze is out!. All data, gaze tracks, and videos o f Webgaze performance are available on the Webgaze website.
An article about PrIA appeared in the MIT Technology Review, was featured in the Sto ny Brook News (starts at 5.13), and Publico's technology newsletter (in Portuguese).
A position paper on PrIA accept ed at HotMobile.
Recon paper accepted at Sigmetrics 2017. Congratulations to Yi Cao and Javad Nejati.
WebGaze paper accepted at NSDI 2017. Congratulations to Conor Kelton and Jih oon Ryoo. Stay tuned for our data release.
I joined the Editorial board of the GetM obile Magazine.
I will be serving on the following Program Committess for 2017: WWW, MobiSys, MobiCom, CoN ext, Infocom, HotMobile, COMSNET.
I am the facilitator for the Girls Who Code club a t the Comsewogue Library in Port Jefferson Station. Very excited to see what we can do this ye ar.
Te-Yuan Huang and I served as the SIGCOMM N2Women chairs in 2016. We designed a new N2Women dinner event befor e the conference. We got some very interesting and encouraging feedback, and this event will likely continue in the next years.
Javad Nejati, Yi Cao and I will be attending the AT&T Research Academic Summit.
Received as NSF grant for studying Web performance.
Received a Google Research Award for my work on improving Web performance.
Paper on analyzing mobile Web performance accepted to WWW 2016. Congratulations to Javad.
Was invited speaker to the WACI workshop at COMSNET 2016, and was a COMSNET panelist discussing Internet of Things.
Will serve as the N2Women chair at SIGCOMM 2016 and the P oster and Demo chair at NSDI 2016.
Attending the Google faculty summit on Mobile on October 8th and 9th.
MobileHub won both the best paper award and the Gaetano Borriello best s tudent paper award at UbiComp 2015[Award].
I will be serving on the following program committees in 2016: MobiCom 2016, NSDI 2016, Infocom 2016, MobiSys 2016, HotMobile 2016, IMC 2016.
Our MobileHub paper was accepted at UbiComp 2015.
I will be serving on the following program committees in 2015: SIGCOMM 2015, MobiCom 2015, WWW 2015, HotNets 2015 an d UbiComp 2015
Our SPDY work won one of the Applied Networking Research Prizes in 2015.