Sorting and searching with an array of objects . Sorting and searching are two of the most frequently used algorithms in computing. . We already saw two (actually three) sorting algorithms with an array of primitive data type values: - Selection sort - Insertion sort - Bubble sort (in a lab) - see sort/ sort/ sort/ . Now that we know how to compare two objects for greater than, less than, or equal to comparisons, we can sort an array of objects. - see sort/ sort/ sort/ . Searching with an array of objects can easily be done as well now that we know how to compare objects. Remember we did searching with an array of primitive data type values such as integers and doubles before? The same kind of extensions that we adopted going from sorting an array of primitive data to sorting an array of objects needs to be made when we are searching an array of objects for some specific objects that we are searching, e.g., an object that is equal to some other object or all the objects that are greater than a certain object. - see sort/ . Now that we know how to sort an array of Point objects, we should be able to write a sorting routine that sorts an array of some other type of objects.