================================================================= Accessing static vs. non-static (public) members (fields/methods) ================================================================= . To access a non-static field (or a non-static method), you must create an instance of the class and use an object reference to the object to access the fields or methods, for example: Point p = new Point(10, 20, 30); p.x = p.x + 10; p.distanceFromOrigin(); Here I assumed that x is a public field. . To access a static field or a static method, you access them using the class name directly as in: double d = Math.PI; int i = Math.abs(-45); int j = Integer.parseInt("3425") ArrayTools.printArray(...) Account.getSumBalance() Class name is actually the meta-object, i.e., class-object, that contains all the elements that make up the class. That is, there is a static object named the same as the class name that you are defining, and the meta-object is available to the programmer at run-time. I am not going to say much more than this about meta-objects - this subject is beyond the scope of this course.