===================== Creating objects: ===================== Creating objects requires two steps in the given order below: (1) Define a class X in a file named X.java. (2) Create as many objects (aka instances) as we like using the class (as a 'blueprint' for creating objects of the kind X) in the 'main' of UseX class in the file named UseX.java. You could create instances in some methods in some other classes, but we will do it this way for now. Normally we would do it in that order, but I will go back and forth between the two steps incrementally so that it will be easier to see what is going on. Let't do that in class together although my notes below describes the two steps in detail sequentially. (1) Let's define a class named Account that models bank accounts. After the class is defined, we will create some bank account objects. So, the class definition will act as the blueprint for creating objects. Note: As we define Account and UseAccount, reflect back on how we used Random and Scanner. When we create Account, we are creating a class much like Random or Scanner that the Java people created for us. So, let's create the blueprint for bank account objects first: public class Account { // we will do this together in class. } . see Account.java later after we create it in class. (2) Now that class is defined, let us see how we can create instances (aka objects) of Account class. Note: When we create UseAccount, we are creating a class much like the classes that we have been creating that used Random or Scanner. public class UseAccount { // we will again do this together in class. } . see UseAccount.java later after we create it in class. - Account so far is a very simple class. . Let us extend it with constructors . Will do it together in class with Account.java