Combinatorial Algorithms in Fortran -- with Drivers and Example

This directory contains several of the A.Nijenhuis and H.S.Wilf routines, augmented with drivers and examples. The following have been compiled and run using the Unix Fortran compiler.

readme Makefile nexsub_2.f lexsub_2.f ransub_2.f nexksb_2.f nxksrd_2.f ranksb_2.f nexcom_2.f rancom_2.f nexper_2.f ranper_2.f nexpar_2.f ranpar_2.f nexequ_2.f ranequ_2.f nexytb_2.f with sample input nexytb-example ranytb_2.f hpsort_2.f cycles_2.f renumb_2.f with sample input renumb-example spanfo_2.f with sample input spanfo-example poly_2.f powser_2.f with sample input powser-example perman_2.f with sample input perman-example invert_2.f triang_2.f with sample input triang-example mobius_2.f with sample input mobius-example colvrt_2.f with sample input colvrt-example hamcrc_2.f with sample input hamcrc-example lbltre_2.f ranrut_2.f minspt_2.f with sample input minspt-example