Weekly Schedule, Spring 2023

         Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday   Thursday    Friday
 8:00 |             
 8:30 |             
 9:00 |             
 9:30 |             Meeting
10:00 |                |
10:30 |               416                    416
11:00 |                |                      |
11:30 |                |                      |
12:00 |
12:30 |
 1:00 |
 1:30 |
 2:00 |            OffceHrs               OfficeHrs     600
 2:30 |                |                      |          |
 3:00 |                |                      |          |
 3:30 |
 4:00 |
 4:30 |
 5:00 |
 5:30 |
 6:00 |

         CSE 114 Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
         CSE 214 Data Structures
         CSE 216 Programming Abstractions
         CSE 305 Principles of Database Systems
         CSE 307 Principles of Programming Languages
         CSE 416 Software Engineering

         CSE 526 Principles of Programming Languages (Grad)
         CSE 532 Theory of Database Systems (Grad)

         CSE 600 Topics in Modern Computer Science
         CSE 644 Database Seminars