PACE Lab @ Stony Brook University


Performance Analysis of Computer Systems Lab

Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University

Location: Room 336, New CS Building. Lab PI: Anshul Gandhi  (anshul (at)

Welcome to the PACE Lab at Stony Brook University!
Our research group is broadly interested in performance analysis and modeling of computer systems.
Our current research focuses on performance issues, such as interference and resource management, in cloud computing environments.
Check out our publications to learn more about our work.

Our research is supported by grants from NSF, Google, IBM, Azure, and AWS.


September 2016: Microsoft Azure funds our cloud autoscaling work. Thanks Azure!
September 2016: NSF funds our heterogeneity-aware load balancing work. Thanks NSF!
August 2016: Ahmad's work on interference-aware load balancing is accepted as a poster to SOCC 2016. Congrats Ahmad!
July 2016: Wajahat's work on ML-based autoscaling is accepted to IGSC 2016. Congrats Wajahat!
June 2016: Shachee is awarded a GHC Scholarship to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Congrats Shachee!
May 2016: Ahmad is awarded a student grant to attend USENIX ATC '16. Congrats Ahmad!
May 2016: NSF funds our elastic memory caching tiers work. Thanks NSF!
May 2016: Wajahat will intern at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center again this summer.
April 2016: Yi presents our mobile performance modeling work at the AT&T Research Academic Summit.
February 2016: One paper and one poster accepted at Sigmetrics 2016. Congrats to Yi and Javad for the poster!
February 2016: Google funds our mobile performance modeling work. Thanks Google!
December 2015: Two papers accepted at IC2E 2016. Congrats to Ahmad, Bharath, Sagar, and Sidhartha!
July 2015: One paper accepted at ICCAC 2015. Congrats to Harsha!
May 2015: One paper accepted at MASCOTS 2015. Congrats to Xi and Naman!

© Copyright 2014-2016 PACE Lab, Stony Brook University