The Lydia Project

Lydia Project Homepage

The Lydia Project spider information page

 About the Project:

     Lydia is a research project in natural language processing being conducted under the supervision of Professor Steven Skiena in the Department of Computer Science at SUNY Stony Brook.

     The Lydia project seeks to extract well-defined classes of facts and relations from curated text sources. We use natural language processing techniques to identify references to interesting people, places, and things and then study the juxtapositions between them.


 About the spiders:

      The Lydia project is committed to obeying the terms of service of every text source we analyze. In particular, none of material we download will be reproduced, redistributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast.

      Our spidering programs are currently based on wget 1.9.1, respect all robot.txt files, and do not make more than one request per second to any website.


 Contact Information:

Computer Science Department
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400