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COLOR is a fact of perception not an objective part or characteristic of a substance. Color is a feature of vision; it is a psychophysical response consisting of the physical reaction of the eye and the automatic interpretive reply of the brain to wavelength characteristics of light above a certain brightness level (at lower levels the eye senses brightness differences but is unable to make color discriminations).
That light as the source of color was first showed in 1666 by Isaac Newton, who passed a beam of sunlight through a glass prism, producing the rainbow of hues of the visible spectrum. This phenomenon had often been noted before, but it had always been related to latent color that was said to exist in the glass of the prism. Newton, however, took this easy experiment a step further. He passed his miniature rainbow through a second prism that reconstituted the original white beam of light and his conclusion was revolutionary: color is in the light, not in the glass, and the light people see as white is a combination of all the colors of the visible spectrum.
The reason rainbows come out colored is because the light is broken down into its constituent parts by passing through the water droplets in the air.
The theory of color has gone through some changes over time, and it is now an accepted fact that color is truly in the eye of the beholder.

