CSE352: Artificial Intelligence (Spring `03)

Project grades and letter course grades are now posted outside my office.
Project report is due on Thursday in class.

If you lost your umbrella in the classroom today, you can get it from my office.

Exam 2 average is 61.4; max 78, min 42. Letter grades: 77 A, 70 A-, 65 B+, 59 B, 52 B-, 49 C+, 42 C.
Added slides for Chapters 22 and 24-25, for the part on interfacing.

The order of project presentations are as follows. Each team should be prepared to give presentations using the teaching machine in our classroom; you can do so by putting your slides in your translab account, and on the web. Everyone will be asked to write comments and give ratings for all the presentations.

Thursday 5/1 - Common sense
1 Common sense DJ           Nina Bruk, Mariya Fazylova
1 Intelligence using NARIA  Jason Waitkins
1 Vacuum cleaner Roomba     Umer Islam

Tuesday 5/6 - Games
2 Board game Connect 4      Heng-hui Wu, Shing-him Lui
2 Board game using AIP      Jintae Jang
2 Game Counter-Strike       Yong X Fong, Dong Liang Wang

Thursday 5/8 - Languages
3 Email filter Bogofilter   James Harris
3 Chatbot Anna              Yan Zhen Zhang, Wen Hua Ye
3 Computer poet             Paul Defelice
3 Composing music using NN  Jame Murray, Pui Ng
All remaining grades will be posted outside my office as soon as they become available. If you find any problems, please let me know by the last week of class.
As discussed in class, Exam 2 will be open textbook and your own handwritten notes, as for Exam 1. You may also bring a calculator for your own use if you want.

Selected projects are listed below; one team is yet to finalize their project. As discussed in class, every team should aim to be ready by Thursday. The order of presentations will be posted on Tuesday after the exam.

Common sense DJ           Nina Bruk, Mariya Fazylova
Computer poet             Paul Defelice
Game Counter-Strike       Yong X Fong, Dong Liang Wang
Email filter Bogofilter   James Harris
Vacuum cleaner Roomba     Umer Islam
Board game using AIP      Jintae Jang
Board game Connect 4      Heng-hui Wu, Shing-him Lui
Intelligence using NARIA  Jason Waitkins
Chatbot Anna              Yan Zhen Zhang, Wen Hua Ye
Added the learning part in Handout A6 for Assignment 6.
Added Handout A6 for Assignment 6, excluding the learning part.
Added slides for Chapters 18 and 20, for the part on learning.
I would like to meet each team about their project, to give feedbacks about you project overview. Actually, several teams have already met me for this; if your team has not done so, please do by Tuesday.

In particular, no team is supposed to develop such a system by themselves, as we mentioned multiple times in class. Please read the handout carefully; if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Added Handout P for the project.
Added slides for Chapters 13-16, for the part on uncertainty reasoning.

Since I have mentioned that we might extend the due date of Assignment 5 to Thursday and I have received two requests for that, let's do it. So Assignment 5 will be due in class this Thursday instead of Tuesday.

The assignment asked about providing code for testing as usual, but I will not enforce it this time; if you do provide such code, then you will get extra credit.

You should first spend most of your time writing the programs; follow the examples in the assignment and in the textbook. Then download XSB and look at "getting started" in the manual to see an example of a loading file and running the queries.

Added slides for Chapters 11-12, for the part on planning.
Added Handout A5 for Assignment 5.

Exam 1 average is 73.67; max 93, min 50. Letter grades: 85 A, 80 A-, 75 B+, 70 B, 65 B-, 55 C+, 50 C.

Adjusted lecture schedule, so Exam 1 will cover intelligent agents, problem solving and search, and knowledge representation and inference, not planning.

Next time, we will finish inference in first-order logic, see a short overview of advanced knowledge representation and reasoning (from ontology to nonmonotonic logic) (for hierarchy of categories, actions and events, belief and knowledge, exception and uncertainty), and do a small review for Exam 1.

In Handout A4, changed Problem 15 (b) to be for first-order definite clauses, and the answer is yes.
In Handout A4, fixed formatting error in Problem 10 (b): 2 5 should be 2 to the 5th power, 2 5 1 should be 2 to the 5th power minus 1.

Added Handout A4 for Assignment 4 with solutions.
Since teams lost two days to work together during the snow storm, I would like to extend the due date of Assignment 3 to Tuesday next week, but since I will be at a meeting the entire next week, this means that the due date is now Tuesday the week after next.

When doing the assignment, make sure you follow the hints and requirements. In particular, item 2 tells you to follow the steps of Graph-Search (on page 83 of textbook, listed in the index of the book; in lecture slides also).

Added slides for Chapters 7-9, for the part on knowledge representation and inference.
Added Handout A3 for Assignment 3.
Added Handout A2 for Assignment 2.
Added slides for Chapters 4-6, for the part on problem solving and search.
Both editions of the textbook are on reserve for 2-hour loans in the Computer Science Library.
Added Handout A1 for Assignment 1.
Added slides for Chapters 1-3, for the part on introduction and intelligent agents.
Course page is created with General Information, Course Outline, Lectures schedule, Handout Q for Questionnaire, Pointers to ghostview and gzip, and Requirements.
