Discrete Curvature Flow for Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds with Complete Geodesic Boundaries

poster in 6th Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2008
Xiaotian Yin, Miao Jin, Feng Luo and Xianfeng Gu
Every surface in the three dimensional Euclidean space have a canonical Riemannian metric, which induces constant Gaussian curvature and is conformal to the original metric. Discrete curvature flow is a feasible way to compute such canonical metrics. Similarly, three dimensional manifolds also admit canonical metrics, which induce constant sectional curvature. Canonical metrics on 3-manifolds are valuable for the study of 3D topology and have the potential for volumetric parameterization and shape matching. This paper generalizes discrete curvature flow from surfaces to hyperbolic 3-manifolds with complete geodesic boundaries. The metric deforms according to the curvature, until the curvature is constant everywhere. The theoretical results are introduced, the algorithm is explained in details, and thorough experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of discrete 3-manifold curvature flow.