Harmonic Volumetric Mapping for Solid Modeling Applications

ACM Solid and Physical Modeling
Xin Li, Xiaohu Guo, Hongyu Wang, Ying He,Xianfeng Gu, Hong Qin
Harmonic volumetric mapping for two solid objects establishes a one-to-one smooth correspondence between them. It nds its applications in shape registration and analysis, shape retrieval, information reuse, and material/texture transplant. In sharp contrast to harmonic surface mapping techniques, little research has been conducted for designing volumetric mapping algorithms due to its technical challenges. In this paper, we develop an automatic and effective algorithm for computing harmonic volumetric mapping between two models of the same topology. Given a boundary mapping between two models, the volumetric (interior) mapping is derived by solving a linear system constructed from a boundary method called the fundamental solution method. The mapping is represented as a set of points with different weights in the vicinity of the solid boundary. In a nutshell, our algorithm is a true meshless method (with no need of specic connectivity) and the behavior of the interior region is directly determined by the boundary. These two properties help improve the computational efciency and robustness. Therefore, our algorithm can be applied to massive volume data sets with various geometric primitives and topological types. We demonstrate the utility and efcacy of our algorithm in shape registration, information reuse, deformation sequence analysis, tetrahedral remeshing and solid texture synthesis.