# testClasses.py
# --------------
# Licensing Information:  You are free to use or extend these projects for
# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
# solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
# attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to http://ai.berkeley.edu.
# Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley.
# The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero
# (denero@cs.berkeley.edu) and Dan Klein (klein@cs.berkeley.edu).
# Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and
# Pieter Abbeel (pabbeel@cs.berkeley.edu).

# import modules from python standard library
import inspect
import re
import sys

# Class which models a question in a project.  Note that questions have a
# maximum number of points they are worth, and are composed of a series of
# test cases
class Question(object):

    def raiseNotDefined(self):
        print 'Method not implemented: %s' % inspect.stack()[1][3]

    def __init__(self, questionDict, display):
        self.maxPoints = int(questionDict['max_points'])
        self.testCases = []
        self.display = display

    def getDisplay(self):
        return self.display

    def getMaxPoints(self):
        return self.maxPoints

    # Note that 'thunk' must be a function which accepts a single argument,
    # namely a 'grading' object
    def addTestCase(self, testCase, thunk):
        self.testCases.append((testCase, thunk))

    def execute(self, grades):

# Question in which all test cases must be passed in order to receive credit
class PassAllTestsQuestion(Question):

    def execute(self, grades):
        # TODO: is this the right way to use grades?  The autograder doesn't seem to use it.
        testsFailed = False
        for _, f in self.testCases:
            if not f(grades):
                testsFailed = True
        if testsFailed:
            grades.fail("Tests failed.")

# Question in which predict credit is given for test cases with a ``points'' property.
# All other tests are mandatory and must be passed.
class HackedPartialCreditQuestion(Question):

    def execute(self, grades):
        # TODO: is this the right way to use grades?  The autograder doesn't seem to use it.

        points = 0
        passed = True
        for testCase, f in self.testCases:
            testResult = f(grades)
            if "points" in testCase.testDict:
                if testResult: points += float(testCase.testDict["points"])
                passed = passed and testResult

        ## FIXME: Below terrible hack to match q3's logic
        if int(points) == self.maxPoints and not passed:

class Q6PartialCreditQuestion(Question):
    """Fails any test which returns False, otherwise doesn't effect the grades object.
    Partial credit tests will add the required points."""

    def execute(self, grades):

        results = []
        for _, f in self.testCases:
        if False in results:

class PartialCreditQuestion(Question):
    """Fails any test which returns False, otherwise doesn't effect the grades object.
    Partial credit tests will add the required points."""

    def execute(self, grades):

        for _, f in self.testCases:
            if not f(grades):
                grades.fail("Tests failed.")
                return False

class NumberPassedQuestion(Question):
    """Grade is the number of test cases passed."""

    def execute(self, grades):
        grades.addPoints([f(grades) for _, f in self.testCases].count(True))

# Template modeling a generic test case
class TestCase(object):

    def raiseNotDefined(self):
        print 'Method not implemented: %s' % inspect.stack()[1][3]

    def getPath(self):
        return self.path

    def __init__(self, question, testDict):
        self.question = question
        self.testDict = testDict
        self.path = testDict['path']
        self.messages = []

    def __str__(self):

    def execute(self, grades, moduleDict, solutionDict):

    def writeSolution(self, moduleDict, filePath):
        return True

    # Tests should call the following messages for grading
    # to ensure a uniform format for test output.
    # TODO: this is hairy, but we need to fix grading.py's interface
    # to get a nice hierarchical project - question - test structure,
    # then these should be moved into Question proper.
    def testPass(self, grades):
        grades.addMessage('PASS: %s' % (self.path,))
        for line in self.messages:
            grades.addMessage('    %s' % (line,))
        return True

    def testFail(self, grades):
        grades.addMessage('FAIL: %s' % (self.path,))
        for line in self.messages:
            grades.addMessage('    %s' % (line,))
        return False

    # This should really be question level?
    def testPartial(self, grades, points, maxPoints):
        extraCredit = max(0, points - maxPoints)
        regularCredit = points - extraCredit

        grades.addMessage('%s: %s (%s of %s points)' % ("PASS" if points >= maxPoints else "FAIL", self.path, regularCredit, maxPoints))
        if extraCredit > 0:
            grades.addMessage('EXTRA CREDIT: %s points' % (extraCredit,))

        for line in self.messages:
            grades.addMessage('    %s' % (line,))

        return True

    def addMessage(self, message):