AMS 553 / CET 554 / CSE 529 / MBA 553

Simscript setup for Solaris

You need to include the following line in the file called .cshrc which is in your home directory :

source /home/courses/cse529/simscript/setup.csh

(if you prefer to use bash, then include the line  source /home/courses/cse529/simscript/  in your  .bash_profile / .profile  or  .bashrc ,  as the case may be)

Make sure you place the line towards the end of the .cshrc file. In particular, if you happen to have any path definitions in .cshrc, the line must be placed below them.

When you have done that and have exited the editor, execute the following Unix command in your window :

source .cshrc     (you need to do this just the first time when you finish editing your .cshrc file, and not every time you log back in again)