HW 1

Pick an Artist Name - to start with, choose an artist pseudonym for yourself by which we'll identify you for the rest of the semeseter. Make a directory named for your artist name and put all work for this assignment in that directory. Then, when you're done, you'll zip up and submit a single zip that contains your full work, which for this assignment means all Audacity files and the generated .mp3 files (which should have artist properties set). Set the album title to CSE 393.

For this first HW you will make use of the free Audacity program. So to start with, download and install this tool. You'll want to make use of the Audacity Manuals and Documentation to help you with this assignment.

In this assignment you are to make three songs of at least one minute using this tool. Note that you may not use pre-recorded material (i.e. samples) to help you (you'll do that in HW 2) or record anything for yourself. Instead, for these songs, you'll only be able to build your songs using Generated and Filtered content. What does generated mean? Well, when you open Audacity, the first thing you should do is go to Tracks --> Add New --> Audio Track. Now you can select that track and have Audacity generate different types of customized sounds for it. Try each of Chirp, DTMF Tones, Noise, Silence, Tone, Click Track, Pluck, and Risset Drum.

Now you know how to ask Audacity to generate various sounds, try processing them through the effects available. See what you like and might want to use.

Documenting Song Creation - note that when one creates original content with a tool like this it is important that one can reproduce a sound when you find something you like. So, you are required to document how you made each of the three songs, meaning, precisely what steps were involved. Note that during grading, the TA will attempt to reproduce your songs using the steps you describe, so you need to be precise.

Your Three Songs - all students are required to create the following 3 one-minute songs, and again, clearly document all steps for your song creation. Note that you must submit both your audacity files and an exported .mp3 file generated by Audacity. For your .mp3 file, please add all artist properties settings. Both files should use the same naming convention. Note that the TAs will also be generating the .mp3 file during testing:

  1. Row Row Row Your Boat - what better way to learn about differnent wave shapes than with a song performed "in the round". Create a version of Row Row Row Your Boat where each successive iteration uses a different wave shape employing sin waves, square waves,
  2. Multitrack Rhythm - Create a five track, one minute song that's all rhythm and effects. Try to create different types of percussion sounds and make something interesting. You're welcome to use things like the echo or repeat, or whatever effects you like.
  3. Your Masterpiece - Make a minimum 3-track song that's something funky with rhythm and notes that will interest your listener. Note that this should not use the same rhythm or melodies as your first two songs.

Remember - the songs you make in this assignment will be yours forever. They will be online for others to enjoy and will be included in your own personal Audifly app at the end of the semester, so take this opportunity to make something you like and are proud of.


Web page created and maintained
by Richard McKenna