CSE 305/532 Principles of Database Systems
Spring 2021
Instructor: Art Lee
(alee att sunykorea dott ac dott kr, B419-1, +82-32-626-1200)
Course: Description, Syllabus
Lectures: T,H, 2:00pm-3:20pm, B205
Instructor Office Hours: T,H 3:30pm-5:00pm, or by appointment (B419-1)
TA Office Hours: Joon Han: M,W 5:00pm-7:00pm (use the
zoom link given)
Class Information
- Course Schedule
including examples from lecture, problem sets, etc.
- Announcements
- If you have questions on a problem set, start with
the FAQ associated with the problem set.
- Submit your homework assignments
on Blackboard.
Textbooks and References
- Database
Management Systems, 3rd edition, Ramakrishnan and
Gehrke, 2003 (Required).
- Database
Systems: An Application_Oriented Approach (Introductory
Version), 2nd edition, Kifer, Bernstein, and Lewis,
2005 (Reference).
- Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2nd edition,
Garcia-Molina, Ullman, and Widom, 2009 (Reference).
MySQL, JDBC, etc.
Useful Links
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