Projects: Computer Graphics - Color, Texture, Details, Points

Current projects include the example-based colorization of images and volumes, semantic and infinite zooms enabled by texture synthesis, size- and angle-preserving texturing of arbitrary objects, and point-based surface rendering (adding special effects, such as motion blur/hints), and interactive fly-throughs of realistic, large-scale urban environments (virtual Manhattan) at high-levels of detail (less than an inch resolution). These topics are also relevant in the context of illustrative (expressive) data and volume visualization.

Transforming the latent space of stylegan for real face editing
H. Li, J. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Bai, H. Wang,  K. Mueller
The Visual Computer
40(5):3553-3568. 2024
Adaptive Multispectral Demosaicking Based on Frequency Domain Analysis of Spectral Correlations
S. Jaiswal, L. Fung, V. Jakhetiya, J. Pang, K. Mueller, O. Au
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
26 (2): 953-968, 2017
Human Computation in Visualization: Using Purpose Driven Games for Robust Evaluation of Visualization Algorithms
N. Ahmed, Z. Zheng, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
18(12): 2104-2113, 2012
Data-Driven Approach to Hue-Preserving Color-Blending
L. Kühne, J. Giesen, Z. Zhang, S. Ha, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
18(12): 2122-2129, 2012
Color Design for Illustrative Visualization
L. Wang, J. Giesen, K. McDonnell, P. Zolliker, and K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Special issue IEEE Visualization Conference 2008)
14(6):1739-1754, 2008
Harmonic Colormaps for Volume Visualization
L. Wang and K. Mueller
IEEE/EG Symposium on Volume Graphics
Los Angeles, August 2008
pp. 33-40.
Color-Space CAD: Direct Gamut Editing in 3D
N . Neophytou and K. Mueller
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
vol. 28, no., 3, 2008
pp. 88-98
Geometry Field for Accurate Real-time Reflection
S. Li, Z. Fan, X. Yin, K. Mueller, A. Kaufman, and X. Gu
Eurographics 2006 (Short Papers)
Vienna, Austria, October 2006
pp. 29-32
Color space CAD
N . Neophytou and K. Mueller
ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 (Sketches)
Boston, MA, August 2006

Uniform texture synthesis and texture mapping using global parameterization
L. Wang, X. Gu, K. Mueller, and S.-T. Yau
Pacific Graphics 2005 (also appeared in a special issue of The Visual Computer)
Macao, China, October 2005
pp. 801-810

Generating sub-resolution detail in images and volumes using constrained texture synthesis
L. Wang and K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization 2004
Austin, Texas, October 2004
pp. 75-82

Feature-preserving distance fields
H. Qu, N. Zhang, R. Shao, A. Kaufman, and K. Mueller
IEEE/ACM Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics
Austin, Texas, October 2004
pp. 39-46

Point-based surface rendering with motion blur
X. Guan and K. Mueller
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics
Zurich, Switzerland, June 2004
pp. 33-40

Transferring color to greyscale images
T. Welsh, M. Ashikhmin, and K. Mueller
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH'02)
vol. 21, no. 3,  pp. 277-280, 2002




Last update: June 27, 2005